Recommended Devices

The devices below are not specifically designed for this technique. However, we feel they are small enough to have a safe amplitude for use on the human shoulders, neck, and jaw. And they offer a range of frequencies that support the goals of Vibrant Voice Technique.
These are Amazon affiliate links. If you don't live in the U.S., search for comparable devices available in your region. If you choose to purchase through these links, thank you for supporting Vibrant Voice Technique with your purchase.

The Mini Penguin Massager

This is the best inexpensive option. It has a hard plastic end (no silicone) and only two settings which are both relatively strong (don’t overdo it with this device, especially on the small muscles on the front of your neck). Battery operated.

Approximate price: $10
Our link to buy the Mini Penguin Massager on Amazon US

Mini wand Personal Massager

The next price performer. This device is wand-shaped and covered in silicone. It will be slightly more powerful than other massagers, so please turn it down as needed.. the silicone is great for buffering the power of the vibration, and more comfortable for many than the Penguin massager. Rechargeable.

Approximate price: $20
Our link to buy the mini wand Personal Massager on Amazon US

The Mimi Soft by Je Joue

This is our current favorite soft silicone device. It is egg-shaped but flat, and fully covered in silicone. It has a somewhat high frequency which is especially nice for female voices. Rechargeable.

Approximate price: $100
Our link to buy the Je Joue Mimi Soft on Amazon US

The LELO Siri

The LELO company has phased out the original Siri for a new model, now the Siri 3. Though the LELO company has decided to market this device as for the voice, we feel this new device can be overly powerful when turned on to full speed. If you choose to use the Siri 3 for Vibrant Voice Technique, please be aware not to overdo it and find a speed that’s comfortable for you. Rechargeable.

Approximate price: $120
Our link to buy the LELO Siri 3 on Amazon US

The Nea 3 by Lelo

This is a smaller device that packs a punch up to a high frequency. We recommend it for people with smaller necks, and suggest that you operate it slightly below full power, especially since it can be hard to hold while on high. Rechargeable.

Approximate price: $60
Our link to buy the Nea 3 on Amazon US


Medical Disclaimer

This site and the materials provided here by Vibrant Voice Technique may be considered experimental and are provided for information purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, the technique and any associated claims made on this site have not been evaluated by any medical studies, nor has the technique been approved to treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. We are not aware of any side-effects but no studies have been made in that regard.  Except as otherwise noted herein, the materials provided on this site are provided “as is” by Vibrant Voice Technique, without any warranties or representations regarding the efficacy or safety of the technique.  Any implied warranties or representations are limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.

We cannot assume any responsibility for any medical consequences if you choose to attempt the techniques described here. If you have a history of thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, phlebitis, seizures, or if you have a heart condition or a pacemaker, you should consult your doctor before attempting this technique. The information on this site should not replace consultations with a medical professional and is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any personal medical or health questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on this site. We recommend that you review the instruction manual associated with any particular device you wish to use, and heed the instructions and warnings provided by the supplier of the device.


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